Travel And Entrepreneurialism: How To Make The Two Go Hand In Hand

Studies show that around 30% of people now work remotely. Remote work offers incredible opportunities for those who like to travel, but what about pursuing dreams of being a business owner if you like to roam free? Is it possible to make travel and entrepreneurialism go hand in hand? In this guide, we’ll outline some effective strategies to help you run a successful business on the move.



Build strong foundations

The key to running a successful business while traveling frequently lies in building strong foundations. Invest time, money and effort in establishing the business before you travel. Use your business plan to grow and develop the company and outline clear objectives, sales and marketing strategies and funding streams. If you have a proven business model and sales are steady or increasing, this will make it much easier to manage the company while traveling.



Market your business effectively

Marketing can make the difference between soaring sales and a lack of interest in products and services. Market your business effectively to connect with target customers, tell people about your brand and create quality leads with a high chance of conversion. Focus on techniques that are relevant to both your brand and your ideal customer. This may include local SEO, printing quality leaflets and promotional flyers, social media marketing and press adverts for a local business, or SEO, PPC and social media for online enterprises.


If you’re not an expert in marketing, it’s worth exploring outsourcing options. If you work with an agency or hire freelancers, they will take care of marketing for you, freeing up time for your core team and helping you run effective campaigns more efficiently.



Delegating and outsourcing

When you travel frequently, it’s not always possible to oversee every aspect of running a business. Delegating involves asking other people to assume responsibility for specific tasks, projects or jobs. In your absence, you may delegate tasks to your deputy or to team leaders or line managers, for example. In addition to delegating, it’s also wise to consider the benefits of outsourcing. Outsourcing involves working with third-party providers and external agencies and companies. It enables business owners to access skills and services without adding to their in-house teams. It can boost efficiency, elevate performance levels and save money if done correctly.


If you are thinking about outsourcing activities, draw up plans. Think carefully about what you want to outsource. Analyze data and look for gaps within your team. Choose agencies or individuals with a proven track record, relevant experience and an excellent reputation. Get quotes, read client reviews and testimonials and compare packages and services. Get to know representatives and make sure the company shares your values.



Organize your schedule

Time management is critical for any entrepreneur, but it’s particularly important if you plan to spend long periods away from the office. Manage your schedule to maximize productivity and work smart. Consider practical challenges, such as different time zones and logistics.


Plan trips meticulously to make sure that you will have access to secure, fast WiFi when you need it and adjust your timetable to cater to your clients and employees. You may need to shift your working hours to organize meetings with people in different states or countries, for example. Research facilities beforehand. If you have a crucial meeting, book a hotel that specializes in business services rather than relying on apartment rentals or exploring homestays. During your planned downtime, you can be more flexible about where you stay.


If you find it difficult to manage your time effectively, make use of online tools and apps that simplify tasks, such as organizing your calendar, booking accommodation and flights, journey planning, taking notes, arranging team meetings and budgeting. You can also capitalize on innovations, such as automated social media post scheduling, to save time while optimizing impact.



Manage expectations

If you type the words ‘digital’ and ‘nomad’ into a search engine and look at the images, you may get a rose-tinted vision of remote working. It’s important to manage your expectations if you plan to run your business while traveling. Working remotely isn’t always like being on vacation. There may be days when you don’t see a beach or have time to enjoy the thrills and spills of being in a bustling city overseas. There will be challenges along the way. Try to be realistic about what you can achieve in terms of both enjoying your travels and running your business effectively.


More and more of us want to explore and travel the world. Remote working opportunities are increasingly accessible, but having a flexible job and running a business are two different things. If you love to travel and you own a business, it is possible to combine both passions. Build strong foundations before you leave and be prepared to delegate. Market your company effectively and consider outsourcing if you don’t have access to the relevant skills and services in-house. Manage your schedule and be aware of challenges, such as accessing modern facilities and amenities and coping with different time zones. Manage your expectations and be prepared to make changes and adjustments to address problems and improve your business.



About the Author:

Jennifer Anders is a freelance writer who has traveled extensively and enjoys exploring off-the-beaten-path locations around the world.

She loves hiking national parks, windsurfing, and photographing wildlife.

Aside from all those crazy activities, you'll also find her eating plenty of local street food. She is absolutely fearless when it comes to trying new things.